my opinion is :
The world will be in still yet more chaos. ...... I honestly believe that this would won't last another 20-25 years. Thinking about the conflict going on now, can it last any longer ? those powerful countries like usa,russia, etc.... are going to get their hands on a nuclear device and believ me ... they will use it...... i have to sound pessimistic because it's merely obvious. The USA is going to be more and more overcrowded due to illegals coming here and bringing their families and making more and more babies. The weather is going to be worse as the years go by. Global warming is going to really mess up the water supply, food production, and then the weather extremes are going to destroy more of America. plus, the soil foundation is such that it will not tolerate more weight, so higher levees can't be built. It's a delta type soil and very mushy. People seem to be losing their ability to be " love thy neighbor ". Look at how politicians get into trouble and then the 1st thing that happens is many say "resign". It's like everyone expects absolute perfection from imperfect human beings. Everyone is expected to be completely flawless and that simply will never happen.
we have to open our eyes for the reality, it has to stop before something worst happen, people have to realize what's happening and stop making babies and work togethe to save the earth!
it doesn't make sense if the immigrants population are making a lots of lives if they are going to die with 13- 20 years old ! Particularly, i want to survive until my 20s, who doesn't , right ?! I'm doing my part, but what about you?
we have to open our eyes for the reality, it has to stop before something worst happen, people have to realize what's happening and stop making babies and work togethe to save the earth!
it doesn't make sense if the immigrants population are making a lots of lives if they are going to die with 13- 20 years old ! Particularly, i want to survive until my 20s, who doesn't , right ?! I'm doing my part, but what about you?
the future of the earth is in our hands. New generation, wake up !!!! just think if you want to live at the base of artificial sun .... or if you want to have children, grandchildren and great grandchildren some day.
I would give everything to have been born in 1920. even without much technology, at least I was able to live my life in peace...... not to run away from responsibility to worry about the nature, but since then, begin to alert the new generations, so they can't make same the mistake.
me, you and them,so long 2009
-ana m.
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