Important things ..... .... ..... .....
I would never leave my classic rock n roll to listen to rap
I would never leave The Lost World to watch what 'they' are watching
I would never leave my friends
I would never give up on my schools and books
I would never leave Harry Potter for Twilight
I would never let myself into drugs
I would do anything to live in adventure~
I would give anything to be born in 1918
I would never leave Rupert Friend for Robert Pattinson
I would never prefer kristen stewart than Rachel Blakely (Rachel is awesome )
I would never give up on earth
i would never change my opinion unless i'm wrong
I would never left myself behind to be 'popular'
They can take my soul, but not my spirit. its true, ,,,
I am what i am , i would never change for anyone, unless i love it
and one thing that will never leave is my dream, i know it will come true =]
by the weird Ana Marcelle .....
btw.... .... ... .. last friday i had a lot , a lots of fun in my bus getting sugar _____ with pixy stix , with my crazy friends:" rockxin ", John, S' daja, Miguel, Karen , Ziad, Missi and etc...
it was so freaking funny ...ha ha
G' night