last year in my school,great and terribles things happened.One great thing we did was a project about 'book of poem'.During the year i did 5 poems to fill the book, but we also had to make a poet's reflection (unfortunately,,) talking about everything we learned during the year.
" it does come easy for me, but depends on what we are talking about. Write makes me feel good even though sometimes what i write is not even interesting. In my case prompts work, i've always write everything on another paper or jornal. Actually , i do not have people to read my stories and poems at home , but sometimes i show them anyway.I do not revise all my poems, i just revise when i am going to show someone or make a apresentation to my teachers and friends at achool. I like mostly write free verse poems. Memorizing poems is just in special cases, when i really 'like' the poem. It helps when when you joke in class to memorizing poems together as a team. bla bbla lba bla lba." ....
see... i didn't tell you about my crazy friend, Luiza.....she is really funny and she is a GREAT writer ,,,,trust me.
a person that you can trust. its easy to have colleague but not a FRIEND. more hard when you are in a diffrent country and not everybody likes you....sometimes they make fun of you....it is worst then i thought ....damn it !
i do love to write that's why a made a blog...hhaha
I love creating stories of adventure ,i do it almost all the time. I'm in love with the vampire movies and my favote program on TV is "the lost world ". as you can see i have a passion for adventure and scary situations.hohoho =]
by the time i got in united states, i was really bored at school, because i didn't speak english,,,,it was really sad because people thought that i wasn't intelligent and capable to write a decent essay or poem.
i've had been always writing in brasil since i was 6 years old. i think i was born like that, saying the truth...my parents does not tell me everyday : Ana, go write some stuff after school....NO!! course they always tell me to study as any other parents do, but not express my thoughts and feelings through words.
i've had been always writing in brasil since i was 6 years old. i think i was born like that, saying the truth...my parents does not tell me everyday : Ana, go write some stuff after school....NO!! course they always tell me to study as any other parents do, but not express my thoughts and feelings through words.
anyways..... i like Carlos Drummond De Andrade's poems. Another a appreciate is Alexandre Evans. He's a really good writer! ( i am not obsessed), like i said ....i don't consider myself as a experience poet, i consider myself as a writer ...
today i am writing a story ...about adventure and a little bit of 'crush' just a little bit.
i am not going to give any details about it....
will be a surprise
that 's it for today, guys
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