Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Sαbe querido, eu tenho um pαssαdo, hoje eu sorrio e digo meiαs pαlαvrαs e quαndo você esperα ouvir "eu te αmo" eu digo no αutomático... eu vou te contαr o que eu perdi : eu tinhα um αmor, eu tinhα αmigos todos me αdorαvαm bαby ! Sim eles brigαvαm por um pedαço de mim... mαs quαndo eu precisei deles querido, eles me αbαndonαrão, e roubαrαm minhα vidα e αgorα o que eu fαço é me esconder, então αchei você .Eu tinhα um αmor , e ele me fαziα sentir bem ,mαs αgente não podiα ficαr junto, voçê me tinhα nαs mãos, mαs não sαbiα disso... ααh sim você me dαvα o mundo com um simples sorriso mαs eu nuncα deixαvα ele perceber que erα importαnte. Eu ensinei tudo que eu sei α vc e αgorα, você se deu bem... sim vc roubou minhα vidα e meus αmigos e diz que me quer devoltα mαs querido eu αchei você, e um pedαço meu se tornou seu estou protegidα αqui com você mαs meu brilho se foi, queriα ser melhor prα você, mαs você nuncα vαi me ver nos meus melhores diαs. Porque você sempre será meu pαssαdo, presente e futuro. Eu nuncα vou deixαr de te dizer. È fαcil ouvir. mαs sentir... ααh sentiir é mαis triste do que pensαr que um diα já foi meu. e qe pαrtiu sem explicαçoes, me deixou , e levou com você um pedαço de mim. Agorα, eu vou αmαr você αté que o pαrαíso pαre α chuvα. Eu vou αmαr você αté que αs estrelαs cαiαm do céu, por você e por mim, αté qe o destino trαgα você de voltα, e nos torne αmαntes pαrα sempre . s2

The Doors .

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Poem *-*

Jack Sparrow, the pirate
By: Ana Marcelle

Who am I, you will wonder
The most admired man or the pathetic drunk
Either one I’m proud

I’m the sea, the captain of the black pearl
Pursued by my own ship that carries stories and memories
Of grand adventures

Who am I, you will ask
The most loved man of every single woman
The lord of the Caribbean
That when the sun rises I shall return from the deep waters
To meet my lover at the land of treasures

Who am I, you will see
Going back to my destiny away from the land
Where the sun is invisible and my crew is undead

I am not just a pirate, I am Jack Sparrow, the pirate of the seven seas
Adventuring into the dark waters, where I’ll meet
The greatest enemy right next to me
And the war shall begun
But At last celebrating with rum
All the victories and memories of what we have done

I love Jack :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Poem *-*

Maneuvers of a bitter time
By : Ana Marcelle

Extraordinary prettiness
Is what the dawn used to be
Revealing the creatures
From the shadows of the trees

Fervently dangerous
Abroad instinctively
Opening wide a wilderness
Rekindling dark secrets
From sought maniacs of time
Abruptly blowing forgotten mysteries
Bringing back the sleeplessness battle
The all or nothing

The protagonist or the antagonist
Direct or indirect making the end be
Bitter or sweet
Good or sad
Harmful or innocent
And at the end it all seems so quiet, so perfect
Has just started to complicate
But no one seems to care
Of what’s coming next
From the bitter times.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Shadowy theme *-*

It has been forever since the last time I wrote . I’ve said that for many times , didn’t I ?
Rsrs , There’s been a lots of problems about something lately. That ‘something’ is more complicated than you can guess, it is beyond your imagination , and I can’t tell what it is in here, it’s too personal .
But of something I’m sure of : I won’t give up , It isn’t fair for myself and to who I love the most .
I think I have not much time to enjoy in Brazil , since I’m going back , perhaps on February . All this time I had to enjoy here, and all It happened was trouble and more trouble . But it wasn’t my fault though . I’ve seen the worst of Brazil, not the best , that’s’ why I’m a little upset. I’ll have to solve this all, to ignore some people , to outsmart the difficulties of my life and take advantage in a good way of every mistake, every sad sentiment , you know , have to find a way to have fun , to laugh. Even though I’d like to lock myself in my room to stay and wait for the time to come. That can be the easiest or the hardest thing at the same time.
I only hope that before I go back, those filthy and gross people realize that I , instead of spoiled and stupid, am only someone who’s here for the same purpose. Not better or worse, I’m normal, not in all aspects , but I am .
Sometimes I get brilliant ideas , but its always ridiculous and unusual for them :S
I am sure they underestimate the gravity of the upcoming events …
But that doesn’t stop me from doing what I want to do , I just makes me stronger.
It just makes me want to prove them wrong , and I will
Whatever it takes ! And if perhaps I fail,
I will rise again .


By The way, yesterday I found a interesting article about one of my favorites authors :
Franz Kafka . The article it’s about a book of biography of his unique and strange personality and his life . Its has parts from Robert Crumb and writing of David Mairowitz. In the article, it also has a reflection of one of his creations : “ Metamorphosis “
I’ve read it, and I can tell you, its really nice , for those who like short fiction stories ,